Post by Shep on Jun 2, 2020 13:51:42 GMT
Post by Shep on Jun 7, 2020 13:06:00 GMT
Post by Shep on Jun 8, 2020 20:42:41 GMT
CNN George Floyd false flag movie George Floyd died 3 years ago. in Texas Swamp plans Shariah USA June 8, 2020 - Swamp plans Shariah USA #CovidHOAX prepared you CNN George Floyd false flag movie George Floyd died 3 years ago. in Texas #CovidHOAX was training for America to accept #ShariahLaw Obama set this CNN Floyd movie up early May with a Twitter pic of Floyd - 8 days before the CNN #GeorgeFloyd movie. JUST LIKE #SandyHOAX I dont have ALL the pieces but they are turning up. The entire Minneapolis MN episode was a CNN movie. They were all actors. The goal of Islam is to establish their Shariah Law in America. In Islam women and children are not valued. Men rape children, take child brides. Have several wives. Shariah in TOTAL CONFLICT with our U.S. Constitution But the actor who played Floyd in the Mpls movie is likely still alive. All the officials in Mpls are liars. That outside pathologist will say anything he's paid to say. Yes, lie. Shariah USA is the swamp plan, goes well with the Satanist globalists. I said this all week last week! In Islam pedo is legal, kids have no rights, no value. Sharia community patrol. Minneapolis City Council votes to dismantle the police department, replace it with a community-based public safety model aka Shariah. The crowd screaming black lives matter are human traffickers. Think of black as Darkness, evil - not Negro in the swamp. ANTIFA are paid by Soros. The group contains all the terrorist groups - BLM MS13 alqueda ISIS CAIR paid mercenaries, anarchists, you name it. #ANTIFA will be prosecuted as a domestic terrorism entity. Attorney General Bill Barr said, "The violence instigated and carried out by antifa and other similar groups in connection with the rioting is domestic terrorism and will be treated accordingly." This letter raises my suspicions as it doesnt say how Floyd died. gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/056/283/209/original/1d8b56e612a59887.png
Post by Shep on Jun 10, 2020 13:38:23 GMT
George Floyd was a DUMMY! June 9, 2020 - The Minneapolis MN George Floyd was a DUMMY! THAT COMPLETES the PUZZLE!! The real GFloyd died in Texas 3 years ago, Mpls was a staged CNN movie WITH a DUMMY!! I thot that dummy's funeral'd never end! A Mpls riot burned down the factory that made lifelike dummies George Floyd incident was a scam, staged to trigger a coordinated long-planned insurrection of easily fooled bleeding hearts to collapse society before they lose power in November. Media including Fox is adding fuel to the Floyd fire. Its disturbing to see even the Foxs we think are patriots join the stupids. George Floyd movie by CNN June 9, 2020 - WHO is in Floyds casket? HOW, WHEN & WHERE did he die? Obama pictures Floyd 8 days before the 'incident' Covid prepared Americans to submit to Islam control Emotion clouds logic The CNN movie was staged to enrage, and even FoxNews Judge Jeanine was fooled into an irrational rant that further drove the rioters. I hope she isnt ANTIFA too. The fake George Floyd murder was a scam. It was staged to trigger a coordinated long-planned #insurrection using fake social justice to attract crowds of easily fooled bleeding hearts in support of the Democrat plot to collapse society before they lose power in November. Who was in Floyd's expensive golden casket? Rumors he died in Texas 3 years ago. Ronda Love Replying (SHE IS EXACTLY RIGHT) (Floyd), Cops in Minnesota were ACTORS. This is a set up to abolish our Police Force to implant #AntiFa in our Police Stations to push their Muslim SHARIA LAW. MN AG Keith Ellison is refusing to release body cam footage of accused cops who struggled with Georqe FIoyd. Footage reveals FIoyd violently resisted arrest fighting with cops inside the police vehicle videos youtu.be/PSws1UqQt0EIs George Floyd dead? Video staged. EVERYthing about this was suspicious from the start. video pandered to EMOTION. Evidence points to CNN and Shaun King fabricating George Floyd video. TIMES dont match gab.com/Shepherd/posts/104302623816234378Shariah USA is the swamp plan, goes well with the Satanist globalists. I said this all week last week! In Islam pedo is legal, kids have no rights, no value. Sharia community patrol. Minneapolis City Council votes to dismantle the police department, replace it with a community-based public safety model aka Shariah. The crowd screaming black lives matter are human traffickers. Think of black as Darkness, evil - not Negro in the swamp.
Post by Shep on Jun 17, 2020 15:40:03 GMT
George Floyd was staged 0bama war on cops started this SatanismThe entire thing in Minneapolis was a false flag. George Floyd died 3 years ago. Floyd's "murderers" were overcharged and will be acquitted. The suppressed facts will be exposed in court. That’s Not Chauvin, 2 different men. Not Floyd, Floyd's chest full of tatoos, not this actor. Minneapolis AG Ellison is still refusing to release the officers’ body cams showing Floyd actively resisting officers before they took him to the ground. Ellison was in on this hoax. MPD police manual showing the neck restraint they used was legal, its been removed from the MPD website. Ellison purposely overcharged the crime so there would be no conviction and more chaos will ensue. - Patriot reply That’s because it was a “dummy” they were kneeling on. This whole thing was a sci-fi hoax. (I call it a CNN movie) Look at his hair length when they first have him in cuffs. Then look at his hair length when the cop is kneeling on his kneck. Nobody ever asked why the footage is from only one angle - reply his lawyers claims that he died 3 yrs ago (in Texas). The time stamps. The ems not being medics but sheriffs who didn't check pulse or cpr. Thank you #PaulSperry in car, dummy outta car Dummy hoisted onto stretcher - EMTs never tried CPR www.facebook.com/FOX7austin/videos/6162297957689392 diff Dereks pbs.twimg.com/media/EaqcfT6VAAAc4Vq?format=jpg&name=smallpbs.twimg.com/media/Eapw9oaWAAApdQl?format=jpg&name=smalldummy pbs.twimg.com/media/Eaq5a6HXkAMlY7h?format=jpg&name=smallsoros made fools of us pbs.twimg.com/media/Eapt6suWsAE9wMp?format=jpg&name=medium
Post by Shep on Jun 21, 2020 14:41:27 GMT
Post by Shep on Jun 21, 2020 14:43:49 GMT
Post by Shep on Jun 22, 2020 18:22:28 GMT
Ex-cop accosted while grocery shopping June 21, 2020 - One of the former Minneapolis cops charged in the murder of George Floyd was accosted during a recent supermarket trip. J. Alexander Keung, freed bail, was stocking up at a Cub Foods in Plymouth when another shopper started recording on her phone and moved in. freerepublic.com/focus/f-chat/3857868/postsCounty corrections officers of color say they were barred from guarding Derek Chauvin. 8 Ramsey County corrections officers have filed discrimination charges after they were barred from guarding or having any other contact with former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin in May. Chauvin was booked at the county jail the same day he was charged with third-degree murder and manslaughter in the death of George Floyd. Minneapolis is in Hennepin county. Why is he in the Ramsey county jail? They moved him because of the riots. They were afraid that jail would be breached. freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/3857867/postsDerek Chauvin was supposedly the killer, but the entire event was a movie with paid actors - a dummy was under Chauvin's knee. Some reports say there are 2 Chauvins.
Post by Shep on Jul 13, 2020 11:32:27 GMT
Post by Shep on Jul 15, 2020 17:48:54 GMT
AG Keith Ellison faces jail July 15, 2020 - Minnesota Attorney General Muslim terrorist Keith Ellison is facing a demand that he be jailed. He violated a judge's gag order. FACT: Muslims dont believe they are bound by the U.S. Constitution or our Rule of Law. The motion was filed by lawyer Earl Gray, who is representing officer Thomas Lane. He wants Ellison and his deputy chief of staff, John Stiles, held in contempt and jailed. www.wnd.com/2020/07/minnesota-ag-keith-ellison-facing-demand-jailed