Post by Shep on Aug 30, 2020 18:32:37 GMT
Post by Shep on Sept 12, 2020 18:22:21 GMT
TREASON of the GENERALS A Coup in the MakingDARPA, Pentagon encouraged to dump Trump - TRAITORS! Traitor Gen. McChrystal one of the coup leaders US Constitition to ensure domestic tranquility JAG officer Col Richard Black warning Deepstate calls on military to phsically remove President Trump This is a violation of their oath He names Gen. Mattis as a ( traitor ) Black really exposes evils of Colin Powell Traitor Gen McMaster not mentioned in video but is elsewhere youtu.be/3cfYF01IyuI
Post by Shep on Sept 15, 2020 20:38:54 GMT
Post by Shep on Oct 9, 2020 17:48:14 GMT
Post by Shep on Oct 14, 2020 10:25:36 GMT
Post by Shep on Oct 24, 2020 13:21:45 GMT
Post by Shep on Oct 31, 2020 15:07:53 GMT
Post by Shep on Nov 9, 2020 18:18:51 GMT
Post by Shep on Nov 12, 2020 13:13:31 GMT
Post by Shep on Nov 19, 2020 14:20:58 GMT
` Ezra to report directly to Miller Nov 19, 2020 Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller ordered the Pentagon’s top civilian overseeing the military’s special operations community to report directly to him, effectively elevating U.S. Special Operations Command to the same level of the Pentagon’s military departments. Ezra Cohen-Watnick, a former Michael Flynn aide, is Asst Secretary of Defense for special operations. Ezra is responsible for the oversight and advocacy of the military’s special operations forces. Miller is expected to serve in the DoD top job only 2 months. This reform will enable us to streamline the information flow, and better support our commanders and their soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines. The move aligns the Pentagon with the congressional intent for the top special operations civilian. www.stripes.com/news/us/acting-defense-secretary-orders-top-special-ops-civilian-to-report-directly-to-him-1.652557MY THEORYWith CIA closed down - ENDED - Ezra oversees SpOps - Ezra was CIA trained. Now I see why HR McMonster hated Ezra, and fired him, after POTUS told him NOT to. McMaster is a TRAITOR! Then A.G. Sessions moved Ezra into the Pentagon.